Lagunita Theme


I am currently an Applied Scientist at Microsoft working on developing and productionizing multi-modal foundation models for computer vision applications. Prior to joining Microsoft, I obtained my PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University in Magnetic Resonance Systems Research Laboratory (MRSRL) graduating in January 2024. At Stanford, I worked as an NSF graduate research fellow advised by John Pauly. I received my MS degree from Stanford University in June 2021 and my BS degree from Middle East Technical University in June 2019, both in Electrical Engineering. I am currently working on improving efficiency and robustness of deep learning algorithms in medical/computational imaging, and natural language processing.

Previously, I was a research intern at NVIDIA from September 2022 to April 2023 in the Learning and Perception Research Team, under the supervision of Chao Liu and Jan Kautz where I worked on robust diffusion models under distribution shifts for MRI reconstruction. In summer 2022, I was a research intern at Microsoft Research under the supervision of Nebojsa Jojic where I worked on probabilistic inference for in-context learning with large language models. In summer 2018, I was a research intern in the Computer Vision Lab in ETH Zurich with Orcun Goksel working on ultrasound imaging. During my undergraduate studies, I worked as an undergraduate researcher at Bilkent University at ICON Lab with Tolga Cukur working on MRI reconstruction, and with Figen Oktem in her research group in METU working on computational imaging.

Research Interests

My broad research interests are improving efficiency and robustness of deep learning algorithms in medical/computational imaging, computer vision, and natural language processing. Recently, I have been working on generative models such as diffusion models, in-context learning with large language models, robustness under distribution shifts, memory-efficient learning, self-supervised learning, inverse problems, compressive sensing, and accelerated MRI reconstruction.


In my spare time, I enjoy doing sporting activities such as playing tennis, basketball, soccer and so on. I am also a very passionate pool player.